62 Boylston St. – Historical Façade Rehabilitation & Interior Design
The Hotel Touraine, a landmark building on the corner of Boylston and Tremont St. in Boston was designed by architects Winslow & Wetherill in 1897. Having fallen into disrepair in the 1960’s, a developer converted the hotel into rental apartment units with retail stores at grade level. The reconfiguration obliterated the original limestone arched entrance and elegant hotel lobby. Split face concrete block, brick veneer, stucco, paint and metal panels were surface mounted to the exterior at the pedestrian level.
A comprehensive exterior and interior historic rehabilitation of this 11-story mixed use building was undertaken by the new property owners with the approval of the Boston Redevelopment Authority and Parks Commission. Ornate cast stone details matching the color and texture of the building’s carved limestone were custom fabricated. The elliptical archway on Boylston Street was recreated in cast stone simulating the original entranceway. New storefront glazing in a consistent design of champagne anodized aluminum was introduced. The façade rehabilitation included the replacement of the building’s 100 year old wood windows with historically appropriate commercial grade aluminum windows and historic panning details.
The lobby and common areas of the building were designed with reference to historic photographs of the Hotel Touraine and inspired by the few remaining architectural moldings and interior ornamentation.
Boylston Downtown, LP
OTL Construction, Inc. (Exterior)
Early Day Construction (Interior)
Hamilton Construction Management Corp.
153,000 GSF